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Encyclopedia Eorzea pg95In 874 of the Sixth Astral Era, the Galadion set sail from the isles deep in the northern seas - the last of a mighty onlien tramadol 100mg online turned on its nation in the name of the people, only to meet defeat at the hands of those they meant to free. The Sea Wolf crew of this noble vessel, who could no longer abide the rule of tyrants, steered her crippled hull south though unknown waters in search of a new home.

After a yearlong voyage cursed by many troubles, the ship drifted to the southern coast of Vylbrand, and there ran aground. To start, even these two passages on Limsa's founding in the lore book conflict somewhat, but comparing them to the original story has me very confused. FrithuricYou hear the legend of how onlije city was born. Well, years ago, there was this mighty kingdom far to the south-so far, they say that it would tramadil a man half his life to sail to her shores-and it had an invincible armada of twenty score times ten unsinkable battleships.

They conquered nigh on every city for a thousand leagues, and were the unchallenged master of the sea…until, that is, an armada just as invincible as their own invaded their waters. And so their fleet was nearly destroyed and their cities were completely razed. Only a small fleet of their fastest dromonds was able to escape the carnage under cover of nightfall. It pained the crews to abandon their lands, of course, but they knew flight was the only way to ensure their people lived on.

And so they sailed and they sailed, until one day a terrible storm-some say sent by Llymlaen herself-picked up the tramadol order online canada remaining ships and tossed them down upon the rocks of La Noscea. The ships were too badly damaged to be rebuilt, though by this time the men were weary from their journey, and no longer wished to run. And so they salvaged the remnants of their ships and built a tiny settlement on the rocks. Over time that settlement grew…and transformed into the city you see here today. Obviously, taking into account that NPCs are wholly unreliable narrators and legends being even less reliable sources of historical fact - this story closely resembles the first passage from Pg13, but nothing like the one from Pg95.

Obviously this "southern kingdom" isn't half onlind lifetime away, but the southern continent of Meracydia is implied to take quite some time by boat. This has sparked several questions: If the Galadion and Limsa Lominsa are of Sea Wolf origin, why then are three out of the four named crew members Elezen. Tramaddol does the Galadion not have a Sea Wolf danada. And where did the name Limsa Lominsa come from. But I guess the most important question, is this a retcon. Originally Posted by SounsyyPAGE: 179 HEADING: The Empire SECTION: Social Hierarchy For Citizen - Lower Citizens, the "Bas" title is listed, however, lore from Gubal lists the title for citizenry as "Ban.

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