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Reflections on life and musings therein The life and its lighter aspects, literature with a smile. How the time flies. Metadata Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS WordPress. Post to Cancel Send to Email Address Your Name Your Email Address document. Medical description: Rifadin is an antibiotic from the group of rifamycins based on the active substance Rifampicin. It is primarily used in combined treatment of tuberculosis, leprosy, Meningococcal disease, abscesses and legionella. Individual use of the medicine may cause bacterial resistance to the tramadol to buy cheap. The medicine is manufactured in form of capsules of 150 or 300 mg for oral use and solutions for intravenous infusions in vials of 600 mg.

The medicine is prohibited to be taken in intolerance of any rifamycins, along with certain antiviral drugs, and in severe liver or kidney dysfunction. Synonyms: Archidyn, Rfamipicin, Rifagen, Rifaldazin, Rifaldin, Rifampicin, Rifamycin, Rifaprodin, Rifoldin, Riforal, Rimactan, Rimactin, Rimazid, Rofact, TubocinConsult your helth care professional before using any drug. Rifadin is the medicine based on the active substance called Rifampicin. It is an antibiotic used for a wide spectrum of serious, life-threatening bacteria-induced illnesses including leprosy Hansen's diseasetuberculosis, and legionella.

Rifadin is also commonly used to treat inactive meningitis along with other antibiotics such as pyrazinamide, isoniazid, ethambutol, and streptomycin in a complex therapy. The medicine is usually used with other antibiotics because Rifampicin resistance commonly occurs even within a short period of treatment when the drug is used individually. In 1957, Italian pharmacologists Piero Sensi and Maria Teresa Timbal discovered a new bacterium found in the samples of soil brought for research from a pine forest on the French Riviera.

The bacterium had drawn the interest of the researchers due to its ability to produce a new class of molecules with antibiotic activity. After two years of clinical trials, the researchers were able to show a stable semisynthetic product. The first medicine called Rifampicin was sold in 1971. Nowadays, the medicines based on the formula are sold all over the world.

They have an identical formula but bear different names. For example, in the USA and the UK it is marketed as Rifadin, in France as Rifadine, in India R-Cinex 600, in Germany as Eremfat, etc. Rifampicin, the active substance of the medicine, suppresses the synthesis of bacterial DNA-dependent RNA by suppressing bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The trials show that Rifadin ties to the bacteria RNA polymerase at a place neighboring the active center of RNA polymerase, thus blocking the synthesis of bacterial RNA by physically stopping the formation of the phosphodiester bond in its backbone.

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